miyumi was my foster daughter.l because she was only three years old, but she could eat prawns by herself so i let her eat a lot of prawns. we thought that something might be wrong with miyumi. we thought she might have the strange disease. when her hands started shaking, i realised she had the disease. she became unable to walk properly unable to speak. doctors from the local university filmed the shaking fits. they suspected metal poisoning. translation: when i visited her in hospital, she had lost her sight, but she could still hear. i said to her, "miyumi, your mum is here. "you don't have to cry any more." she gave me a sweet smile. it was her last smile. 0njanuary 3rd of 1958, miyumi died. by 1958, we knew it was caused by chisso. although chisso knew it was caused by water pumped in the bay by the factory, they tried to hide it. my second child. she contracted minamata disease in the womb. i did not think it was possible. but three months after she was born, i noticed that something was wrong with her. she i