and more than 33,000 people were under water; in total, mizoskav made about 1,100 dives into the watersthen it was sold by an american company used for research work in the gulf of mexico. now restored, it is located in the swiss transport museum in lucerne. on february 27, 1994 , the winter olympic games ended in lelehamer, norway. for the first time, the russian team competed independently. and teams of other former soviet republics, our team achieved triumph, in numbers it was second only to the american team, in the medal standings it took the lead, in figure skating almost no one could compare with russian figure skaters. they took gold in pair skating: ekaterina gordeeva and sergey grinko, oksana grishchyuk and evgeny flatov in ice dancing, alexey urmanov in men's single skating. speed skater alexander golubev triumphantly completed the 500 m distance. lily hamera became a three-time champion in cross-country skiing. com, dear friends, i suggest you... watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. the parliamentary hour program is on a