if you've been involved in an mlm, do get in touch.etter be worth waiting for! alison says trot—macro it is just waiting for! alison says trot—macro it isjust loading. waiting for! alison says trot—macro it is just loading. happy valentine's day. we are in 57 years relationship, a mixed race relationship, a mixed race relationship, marriage 52 years. maybe the queen is watching. please get in touch, ma'am. right. for many south koreans, it was the first time they'd ever come face—to—face with their neighbours from the north. if you've watched any of the winter olympics, you'll know that the north korean cheerleading team have been prominent every time the unified korean team has performed. and they've made quite the impact. some are suggesting that the games might lead to an improvement in relations between north korea and south korea. the two bitterly divided countries are competing under a neutralflag at the winter games, which is in south korea. the north korean propoganda machine is huge but it's normally used within the country to