chamgne. out mmckg time. so theoctor yep. passedall , evything w fine, tn? welli mean, to spk. to gger spk. harry. at? so t's okay,so--[ chuckl ] , evytnothincould spl? re's to my md tofuckou.. -mm-mm. y, harry, can u drivme home night? [ rry ]you haveinner d you ha out, d then y leave yr houseand goo e drivme home night? yep. it'sust fuing ridilous. what time are u supped to lee jane's fuckinjames's yway? 10:00. we're alady late 10:00. 's okay.i told d 12. ticking [ mes ] , things mht starthappe. bill ] likehat? [ jame] um, muscle ss willncrease d, uh-- billohand my hr is gna likeget arser angrow mor billie ] even facial hair? james ]um, thatl prb take lger. just keean eye o becausi could en that go?targoing bald. wh do you an? well, ifou go ba, it'lmean it'working,right? mean, on men go ld, sof you goald,is that nna makeo? if itart seeg that,should ienti? mean, doou want me to oy mentio the go thingor-- um, how about if you see it, you just let me know, okay? [ chuckles ] uh, this is my voice on testosterone, some ptures ofome guysoff t. umone weekhey, ium-- ig and, li