of yelson period were extremely beneficial for the west, for the transnational corporations, for the mmfchoice between the real plan and the loans, and he made his choice because he was afraid of the consequences. 1996, yelson is up for re-election, the economy is still contracting and many workers haven't been paid in months. his popularity is at an old time low. at the beginning of the campaign he is pulling in fifth place on only 8%. leading and expecting to win is the communist gennardi zyuganov. this would be a disaster for the oligarchs, so they got together and made sure one of their own, anatoliais was set to run yasen's campaign. the oligarchs raised huge sums of money, even more was made available by the west in order to pay off the scruntled unpaid workers. a relentless propaganda campaign against zuganov was waged. in turn, the common party couldn't compete financially. on top of this, yeltson's health was poor, even suffering heart attack during the camp. Оссетии и в Дагестане у нас на первом туре 85 там 87% населения проголосовало за Зюганова, а во втором туре 85-87% населе