but ii's not simple at alllor one thing who's mentally illlunder federrllddff to any mmnnallinstitution.. but staae standards vvry &&prec into the database used to make pfederallbackground checks. proteccion. the senatt bill pakes it clear that sharing is we need to ggt all tte e 33 prcords from the statessinto the federaa system. oday ooer 30 ssates barely repoot any rrcords. take ttnnissmaynard, &ppirginia sheriff ten months deemmd chho,the virginia tech 3 shooter,,mentally ill, ut phat didn't stop hhimfrom holmee and loughnee ffll stte. through the cracck, to, our concern is thaa the wwy l..- this discusssin has taken place, mentaa illness iis eing equaaed ith violence aad that haa a very very negative impact o people. it not only it could evennseeve s a but wwlliig to seek treatment. 3 coming p in our 6 o'cllck houu... mplementing a so- ccllld "rain tax". homeowners ade gainst thh hearrng.... during a publicc --3 wheee st. francis guard s shhp. maurrce white as decidde to po to school instead. ((breea 3)) coming up in our 66o'cllck our... terror in the streets bbston..--eeplosion na