how can you support life in egypt without restotoring ethiopia's mmountains? so t this is regional, nationan, and internatational. >> environmental degradation is not only a problem for the dry regions of ethiopia. it can be just a as devastating for countrieses like rwanda, where rainfall is plelentiful. this tiny country is grappling with the problem of growing popopulation trying to eke out a living on a finite amount of land. as in china and d ethiopia, over-farming on the hillsides caused serious erosion and a decline in fertility, forcing pooror farmers to move into protected areas, such as the rugezi wetlands, a wwildlife e site of intntnational importance. when farmers drained thiis marsh to try toto grow m more food, they not only damaged an important wetland ecosystem, they a also had a significant impact thrree hours drive away in kigalali, the capital city. the water that pours from the marshlands is a vital source of hydro power for rwanda'ss capital. as t the wetlands began to dry out, power stations below couldn't generate enough electricity. th