great shot of jacky bamm bamm from mmr. >> jacky bamm bamm. that's a good day. >> i mean, my favorite dj from mmr is matt cord, and peer air robert is awfully good, too. but we'll take bamm bamm. >> chris, that's got to be your next publicity photo for fox 29, the shades, the hands, and then show your earrings and at that time too like you do on the weekends, that should be your next -- >> that rocks. wmmr rocks, ya. >> all right. we need more sleep. thank you, sir. let's go to sue immediately. hi, sue? >> you know, i'm if the going to say the phrase great face for radio. ooms, i just did. well, listen, i used to hear it, too. we got a look at the seven day forecast for you, just to show you how much things are going time proof. you just got to get through today where the clouds will linger and the wind will be pretty gusty, very blustery day, 56 degrees all we'll manage for high temperature today even after the showers end this morning. friday's high, 67 degrees, we will still be breezy but sunny skies will make it feel a lot better. and will