within m mns itshot to number ne on a tunes an for the idol hopefuls, there was a message, this is what a true star looks li. >> when i see her standing there on the stage, it seems like it wasn't all that long >> actually 14 years, this is the first inter with kelly when she was a finalist. kelly clarkson. >> less than a month later, "e.t" had her first post win interview. >> i could in the stop cryi >> kelly also served as a judge last night, creating a kind full circle moment for the show's first winner during its final season. >> it's cool to be here now 14 yearses slater and be all knocked up and nostalgic. >> so emotional. when she was pregn with her daughter river, now she's having a boy, and s hasn't said when the due date is exactly >>> the academy wards o abc and we're your complete guide to all things oscar. let's sendus to kevin frazier right now in the middle of all the oscar chatter. >> reporter: by sunday, this will be a sea of people and s and a lot of people have already rolled into town and the partying has already be eddy red mays faces a wall of paparazzi as --. beve