. >> the world's most generous prize money is attached not to the nobel prize but to the mo ibrahim prize awarding for good governance in africa as determined by a very simple defendant, a democratically elected leader who actually leaves office at the end of his term. the winner receives $5 million, plus $200,000 a year for life. the 53 african nations yielded one claimant in 2011 but not a single one for the two years previous. the precedent set by the retirement of george washington has not been easy to establish elsewhere, prize money or not. thus, washington is justly honored for his republican refusal of perpetual power, a refusal he performed not once but twice. first when he resigned supreme military authority in 1783 and then again when he relinquished presidential authority in 1797. although washington went willingly, it can't be said that he went quietly. not, of course, that he made any sort of fuss and bother. that was not his style but he did on both occasions take the that was not his style. but he did take the opportunity to speak about the perils ahead. the impull to exte