our guest post for the hour is mo koyfman avenue spark capital management. are right for discretion. -- disruption. use it will impede? mo: i do not think the skill gap will impede newtek. i think the more we do to close the skilled outcome of the better resources we will have to continue on the course of innovation. taking a bunny financial services the right-wing talk about credit squeeze moving to wealth management from banking we are investing specifically in -- talking about financial services talking about credit suisse moving to wealth management from banking, we are investing physically and wealth management programs as well. tom: the bottom line is you are the biggest fear, mo koyfman is the biggest fear of major bankers. you look like a banker. mo: [laughs] i gave that up. here is the thing. we are investors in a well blow advisor, which is doing harvesting, indexing, tremendously powerful financial products for the average consumer where you can dis intermediate the traditional wealth advisor and you can you help people investor might smartly, bec