said to another guy, "what do you think about mo udall for president?" t know. i only met twice." s funny, because it' s true. the people in new hampshire know they' ll come to a town hall meeting at 6:00 a.m., because i had them. s where i think that jeb can, and he' s very good in i' ve always admired jeb bush. i admired the job he did as governor in florida. is he in trouble? yes. there' s no doubt about it, but so we' ll see. fernando: since the attacks in paris, senator mccain has voiced his support for suspending syrian refugee programs because of national security concerns. and as a vocal critic of the president' s syria strategy, he is calling for u.s. ground troops in the fight against isis. >> when "" matter of fact" returns, extremist attacks, what lessons are lawmakers learning about paris? and, polarizing politics -- t allow people who t know if they' re jihadist or not to come and live tt0w!ty%hp! %4@-z5x tt0w!ty%hp! el@-p24 tt0w!ty%hp! ed@-v0p tt0w!ty%hp% )8h-6n, tt0w!ty%hp% kzh-+!p tt0w!ty%hp% 0ph-@/d tt0w!ty%hp% s"h-p]$ tt0w!ty%hp% ueh-s