if we want to make our businesses mo vative, we have to support other things. one, local purchasing. we have accounts that we have roughly $2,500 a year. the book i get is a staples book. i can't buy from my small neighborhood. if we are talking about narrow profit marnls, that many small businesses go by, because we have health care here in san francisco. we should be buying for our local businesses. this is not one of those areas where i think amendments should be put. this is not the way i want to support or small businesses. people have made a lot about the potential 230 to 460 jobs we may lose over the course of the next year if we pass this legislation as is. however, i think it is important to think about what these jobs mean. we want to support jobs that have living wage and that have health care here in san francisco. when i think about the potential of losing 1% to 3%, i say those jobs are not worth saving. we want to ensure that people can live with respect and dignity here. that is why i support the legislation as is. i think it is important that we