this moa amendment is about cost over runs and the moa requires ocii to pay for all the costs there are five categories in the amount of $595,000 -- $641 -- and that requires an amendment to the moa. the first category is for the design phase. as director bohee mentioned during the disillusion of redevelopment this authority was designed to a 90% level of completion. about a year later when the project was restarted this commission authorized in april of 2013 for two more submissions to caltrans so that we can get a permit to start construction. what transpired it was actually four submissions, two additional more than budgeted and that cost was $66,841. the second category is for preconstruction costs with the transportation authority and their consultants to coordinate the specifications to new caltrans standards and coordinate the requirements from the city departments that are affected. that cost is $77,787. the next category is just the amount of the contract. the transportation authority did a public procurement and received five bids. the award to the lowest responsible bidder wa