moammar ghadafi was ousted about the late summer, august of 2011, later killed by october. this happening the following year. this was also happening during the heat of an election season so there were folks on the left in the begin who believed this was somehow related to a september 11 terrorist attack after a youtube video. that was quickly walked back -- the uprising excuse me, that happened there. now we know the right has dug in on this as a way to talk about secretary clinton and her leadership and whether she's trustworthy or not. here is tray goudey and the rest of the benghazi committee. we'll listen in. >> i want to begin by expressing our collective gratitude to ambassador chris steven, sean smith, glen doherty and ty woods. their families and loved ones for their service and ultimately the sacrifice that they made on behalf of our country. i also want to express our collective appreciation for the americans who fought so valiantly that night and uncon trow verdictbly saved other lives. this service and sacrifice and desire to protect and defend to to americans