there was the mention in moby just blew up, and i certainly in his career he realized he needed to kind of seize control of all of this press. and he tried to hire a writer to tell his story. washington irving came very close to saying yes to doing sort of a definitive book about kit carson. if he had it probably would have never written "blood and thunder." instead a series of hacks that kind of worked on a story. and he also wrote, dictate i should stay because he couldn't write, a and autobiography which is very, very bare bones. but this is kind of like the opposite of custer, or maybe the opposite of buffalo bill. someone who was never successful in turning his same into something bigger. he died essentially a popper. he could never seem to capitalize. nor did he have the inclination to capitalize on his same. of asserting something that he spent his whole career grappling with and try to figure out why does this country back east that i ran away from seem to need a superhero to personify this movement. >>