the federal government should now play an interventionist role to advance progressive demom mocksy, real democracy, as he says. for if we do not have the right kind of law and the right kind of administration, the law we cannot go forward as a nation. so in his own osuwatame speech, president obama dons t.r.'s progressive mantle. not nowhere near as high-minded as t.r. in the first place. i agree with the panelists. but he does it nonetheless. e does allude in the beginning to an america where hard work pays off. responsibly is rewarded. anyone could make it if they tried. but that was the argument of his parents and an earlier generation. the basic bargain has become so eroded by the marketplace that the defining issue of our tame, he says,restore growth and prosperity, balance and fairness. there's that word. the choice we face as he frames it is that offered by the progressives 100 years ago. at least that aspect of economic choice. between the harshness of market capitalism which he defines in true straw man fashion, as you're on your own economics with a free license to pay whatever