this is the book of fish mof hmsumafh, keti n an see. some of them are even smiling fud somef them are realy and the mark fish and the bishop aluseorbndge travelers pricey at that time. it can se oetimes tir sa tho eos mes liie thi manuscript with the special protection ta need berete it rtmiw a very commit very tiny book. it was actually in this case. and then when i opened that, it was based. and enyu aeh a n ghsthin book. the book is the gift art by simon tam, whogives gin ryhilt wife that we treasure this manuscript >> wieris s al elheerfe sut sid in secret, trying to protect it fromhreydedihe d hun tth ad het eo she d father, they invented an imaginary kingdom and theyadsb ld wan sig hm ey b ei d enjoy. on the last thing i wanted to show you, just from our very large cllection is thue te raneersptee. re cee in signature, the handwriting, traces of thist ois e monogram. is vyitng.d try geewhoomn a ry lowly rank, which is liar e ao rmy regiment. he was promoted for his bravery and the datehere was put in nddea lyvsb, dcmr . oo few yea