that's from the moffatt translation.ngs will often cry out to god when they're in trouble. after honoring god's name first of all in your prayer, the second major topic to pray about is stated in matthew 6 verse 10: why do you want god's kingdom to come? the world is filled with wars, violence, poverty, catastrophic natural disasters including earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, floods, drought, and volcanoes. but god's coming kingdom will produce a world of sustainable agriculture, rain in due season, prosperity and peace among nations. my friends, pray for god's kingdom to come and look forward to a glorious tomorrow's world under the king of kings and lord of lords, the prince of peace, the messiah, jesus christ. reflect on each of the topics in the model prayer here in matthew 6. as you do you'll be praying according to god's will. and he promises us in 1 john 5, verse 14: key #6 to answered prayer: follow the outline prayer. in the conclusion of our program, we'll discuss a final key to answered prayer. but