mohamed mayara: i ve a daughter who is seven years old. so, i told her when she asked me about f father. so, i tried to tell her that my father was kidnapped and tortureded and etc., but i tried to teach her that one day i will face the same fate. so, i'm always waiting. amy y goodman: why do you take that ririsk? mohamed mayayara: because i thik this engagement, this is the duty of freedom. amy goodman: t the work of mohad mayayara's citizen journalalist group equipe media is documented in the film 3 stolen cameras. it shows the gruesome fate of a sahrawi cameraman who was pushed off a rooftop by police after he was spotted filming a bloody crackdown on a peaceful protest. sahrawi cameraman: [translated] suddenly, an undercover policeman had detected me on a rooftop. they suddenly appeared and pushed me over the edge. as i fell dodown on the street, i broke e my leg. other popolicemen dragged d me onon the ground. a bit further down the street there was a burning tire. they p pulled me ovever it. it was no accident. they wanteted to demon