mohamed nuru from public works. our agency, as many of you know is a 24-7 agency, and a lot of our work is really dealing with improving the quality of life for concerns that the city has mostly around street cleaning, keeping our medians green, streets inspections, curbs, and building many of the city's streetscapes and buildings. a lot of work guides us at public works is our strategic plan. we are probably one of the few agencies that actually spends time on making sure that our strategic plan guides us and does the thing that the city expects from the agency, so we have a few -- we have three goals. one is to be the best place to work, and you can see a few things that the strategic plan has done. we have been able to hire over 300 apprentices. we also, with the blessing of this board, and the leadership of the mayor, funding was set aside to give public works control of streets and ra right-of-way, so that has allowed us to grow some of the urban forestry staff. and with that, we have 65% l.b.e.s who benefit bu