fruit sellers in general, god willing, in the next program, i will serve you, but my colleague mohammad elhari has attended the telephone answering center for the doubts related to the electronic blog product plan, mr. elhari , please tell us that the conditions how is it there? what are the most common questions that come to that center? yes, hello, i am at your service, mr. azaribaga, and also the good viewers of the economics desk. in the past few minutes, about an hour that i have been here, 3 questions have been the most frequently asked questions. the first is that if if we use the product, will our subsidy be cut or not? the second is where we can see our credit and the third is where we can buy the product . the liaison between the project participants and the ministry of cooperation, labor and social welfare is present with my servant, mr. and mrs. mr. electronic kalaberg expert, to explain the contents of the program . you can use the app in the store section they can see the stores that are around dear people who are members of the scheme, in the credit section, in addition to the i