mohammad tishni bafqi was born on 3rd khordad 1324 ah in baft city. mohammad was a taxi driver, but when the enemy attacked the homeland, he went to the front. i said, come on, i have two children who are guilty, the children are all blaming you for this. you have gone too far, leave it to someone else. there are a number of children who have been promoted. they choose him as the battalion commander. the story of the three-day leave before the operation. i have a job, i have to go and come back, i said, i will do the part of my dream, come here, sell the car for two or three days , pay off the loan and leave, but on the night of the ramadan operation, the operation was very difficult, very difficult. there were some cases where the speed of the operation weakened the children. take them together and put them together when he leaves , the next people would tear him apart, and at that moment, one of the fighters' foot hit an unexploded landmine and the mine was being lit. it will light up the whole area like day for 5 to 6 minutes. the light of this mine