. >> his highness prince mohammed bip nayef was selected as the crown prisons, deputy prime minister interior minister and head of the deputy affairs council. >> reporter: he studied in the united states and has close relations with saudi arabia's ally. cables show him as being hawkish on iran. he's over seen access in yemen edge involving multi-saudi-led air strikes to stop the yans of houthi-led rebels. al qaeda fighters tried to assassinate him six years ago. he's been tough on internal security. there has been arrests of suspected al qaeda, and more recently i.s.i.l. members. he encouraged government aid to syria and discouraged private donations to rebel groups. during his time as interior minister he's been tough on dissent at home. activists are detained and prison the nayef is the grandson of king abdul al-saud to be appointed second. and as crown prince he's one of the most powerful men of his generation >>> still to come - restoring order on the streets in the u.s. city of baltimore in the face of thousands of troops protesters dispersed. >>> no easy ride for russian bikers