mohammed hogg mostafa is from syria he was detained for some time after the attack and is awaiting trial. he's also become a father gives right now all i know is work home family building something for the future of it are you going back to the forge club i don't think so. is how. i never got a fair chance to say a german goes and does something bad to me am i supposed to think all germans are bad so they all have to pay for it under the full no why do others have to suffer if they didn't do anything wrong that's the big problem here or this is the course of their life. this is how some of the other refugees also see the situation they say life has become more difficult since the attack. now many germans think all syrians are the same they only cause trouble and so on and that everybody looks at us asking you me nothing but problems why do you want to destroy our country it was recently on the bus the driver came up to us just telling us to get off as the 2 of our friends girls who were german then told the driver they didn't do anything and they're not going to get off. but many also bl