mohammed jamjun, do you believe they played a part in the decision they made today? >> very good question, leading up to today on many occasions in the past weeks, you have heard from iraqi prime minister haider al-abadi, warned repeatedly iraqi politicians that they must get their act together, they must show the public that they're doing their utmost to fight corruption. he sense thread was a bit of revolutionary sentiment growing from this protest and government officials best be warned about the protests on the street. there is a direct correlation. one more thing to note. just on friday you had the highest religious authority, shia authority, to the highest shia cleric, ali al sistani, to give him a green light, to show the iraqi public they are battling corruption. we are at one of the protests and there were thousands of people in tahrir square, all of them saying these were apolitical protests that even though there are a number of security challenges in iraq the people are fed up with the power cuts, during the sweltering blazingly hot heat wave, not having