sings and receptacles i want to appreciate the work of the department of public works director mohammed nuru who has been really committed to this program and shepard it through the last couple of years there's a number of challenges we saw with public toilets and particularly in the downtown area and insuring the monitoring of its use as a bathroom the innovative program that has been implemented in the last 6 months as a pilot with 3, toilets in the tenderloin has been the subject of the hearing and the outcomes we want to hear from the department of public works the locations were selected based on the highest concentration of fooegz e feces in the right-of-way what makes this successful that the tenderloin pit stops are staffed so to make sure the bathrooms are kept safe and clean and secure we already know based on the pilot the average use of the locations average average double the eye when the program started the feedback our office has received from residents and tourist and workers there is a real need for clean and safe public restrooms this has provided people with a dig if i did