my name is mohammed sheck with critical registance and i'm also here to oppose-strongly oppose the allocation of fundsing to increase the police department, the officers employed. the issue of systemic violence of racism has come to the for oaf any policing and when the recent revelation of the text messages and sheriff gladiator fights in the jails of abuse of instance, san francisco is no exception. to the city and coupty has one of the luest rates of imprisonment historically and in the state so we should work to continue that downward trend. sfr visor wiener says we must look that human impact, but look no further than chief [inaudible] comment which he saiz more police mean more arrests. why would we be wasting resources and turn around it trend of decreasing arrest and crime rates when we know that the only reason that chief nob made the compant is to justify the jail where 238 million dollars will be wasted on the jail. but, instead of these things-when we take all this into consideration somebody that comes fraul p from outside looking at the statistics would think it insane sooexnand