mohsen ejhei also said that the forces of segane should provide the basis for the realization of the slogan of production leap with the participation of the people with coordination and consensus. do if we want it to become an action and be realized more than in previous years, it has requirements. one of those requirements is that we know how popular participation is. second, we need to provide a mechanism for this partnership. if something is necessary, we must create a structure. we must amend a regulation . we must create a regulation. in order to find a unity of opinion, let's think together to create unity of opinion in people's aid and in removing obstacles to production. the railway company announced his design process for the high-speed train will begin this year. according to this company, in 1402, more than 1400 new fleets entered the country's railway lines. the country's railway industry in 1402. 21 locomotives, 15 passenger wagons and 1349 freight wagons were presented to the country's railway fleet. also, 10 locomotives and 33 passenger cars have been renovated. and no