my name is moises hernandez, chief inspector for building enforcement. -- a wall heater improperly working, causing potential life safety issues. a notice of inspection was issued by inspector loera, which noted that the wall heater was actually installed incorrectly and requested them obtain a building permit. a notice of violation was issued on december 9. the final warning letter was issued afterwards because they failed to comply with the permit. the actual permit was actually issued two months later. there was a hearing on december 12, 2018. the hearing was continued in order for them to correct the heating violations. here's the inspection so far, which you can see on february 7, 2019, there was no one on-site, so therefore, the inspector could not inspect the site. the order of abatement was issued based on the fact that there was no inspection history afterwards after the initial inspection. as you can see, the other inspections in april, i believe, show corrective action, which the wall heater still hasn't been corrected. therefore, code enforcement requests to uphold the abatemen