and moitessier was behind me and was slowing.k down the atlantic but much slower in the southern ocean. tetley‘s boat sank. moitessier decided not to finish. he changed course and headed to the pacific islands. crowhurst‘s boat was found abandoned. it later became known that he realised his boat couldn't have withstood the southern ocean and had faked his voyage. with the realisation that his deception would have been discovered, he appears to have committed suicide. that only left robin knox—johnston in the race. you were missing for 137 days, did you know you were missing? well, i wasn't missing because i knew where i was. but to the rest of the world i was missing. every time i saw a ship i tried calling up. i called up one off the equator when i had appendicities and i thought boy, these will be the last humans i see. when i called them with the lamp, no answer. i fired distress rockets, he just sailed straight past. how did you treat that? well, i didn't have the drugs you need to keep it under control so i went on a sloppy