he will then give them to perua in a final big moka.the smaller gift ongka sets the date for the larger ritual. even among his supporters, ongka faces competition from other big men like reima. reima has said that he not ongka, would set the date for the next moka. he has few of ongka's political skills but still threatens to upset the timing of the moka. ongka continues to make deals with his allies. like more egalitarian tribes big man societies have political systems that rely on the personal persuasiveness and charisma of their leaders. to maintain his prestige ongka continues to lead small mokas in preparation for the final big one. but as the day approaches, ongka's adversary, reima jeopardizes the major ceremony. a big man from another tribe has died. reima spreads rumors that ongka killed the man through his sorcery. angered by the accusations members of ongka's tribe seek revenge against reima. planning for the big moka is interrupted. ongka sits down in the road to stop them. he tries to reason with them but his persuasive abi