>> my first real job out of college, i ended up spending almost two months in moldova, the republic of moldova, working with a usaid-funded foundation dealing with their first ever parliamentary elections. i was there on the ground for two months. that was my first taste of really how rules matter in the way that elections are conducted and how sometimes the unwritten rules matter, too -- >> the unwritten rules? such as? >> well, so there were, there ren't great rules about ampan finae molva. u know, their first ever elections, there was, you know, a lot of use of state funds in electioneering. folks who were sitting in the parliament were, an existing parliament were running around in state cars doing their campaigning. >> this has been a communist governed country? >> communist governed country. and then i had a great, i had a great teacher in law school, lani guinier, who really opened my eyes to a number of issues related to democratic process. and it's been a set of issues that i've cared about ever since. >> what are you after in new york state? >> so we're after a comprehensive