on now molinari are a nice you know blogger has become a main source of income. and we're going to fulfill the repeated promises of politics to the people. you know we've all pots. for a. pretty good grip. if you want to 1st. know. paul. my name is suck on. this jack see what i don't see it's. the border you know. who let me know we've got a good. cause and you don't need to move. do. not speak and i use down 6 to make it very very easy to teach school on drug use to people. who people who close to clubs do really he. said if the. music that. i was because he makes me copy. he does because to me it's mean copy point moved to. and when he moved to. the office box office. love sudar. singh. i doubt. is like that child in the room it's impulsivity it's narcissism it's us versus them it's fear the prefrontal cortex is empathy it's compassion it's thinking about the future in terms of what we do today that's where we need to make our decisions based from from the prefrontal cortex unfortunately when we eat the modern diet of our planet or when we watch the news or we