molinbeg also advises avoiding another commune in brussels, especially at night, the most dangerous,ious area of arab emigrants in brussels. connections with terrorism and a high crime rate, it is also called an incubator of european jihadism. it looks like an ordinary area, but this is where the tracks lead. most european terrorist attacks, people from molinbeek blew up madrid, paris, brussels, as in neighboring france, dangerous tumors of the city appeared precisely in those areas where migrants from different countries in search of a better life. these people who even become belgian, belgians, they firstly do not speak the local language, secondly they do not know the local culture at all, and live in areas where they are absolutely separated from the local society and where they receive. journalists, but always highlight a special part of it separately. barios is a slum. since 2000, more than 250,000 violent deaths have occurred in these places. this situation has turned us all into forensic experts. we understand various types of attempted kidnappings, live there it is impos