commissioner moran: commissioner torres: commissioner moller caen: commissioner moller caen: viet vietcommissioner vietor: commissioner courtney: ed harrington: donna hood: donna hood: (music still playing). sf government tv. san francisco television. meeting about to start good afternoon., commissioner vietor:.or dor here. commissioner courtney: here. >> commission caen is expected to the shortly. >> minutes of the august 28 meeting. motions? iy seconded. all in favor all in favor, eye. this is the time for public comment es. do we have public comments? yes, sir, >> my name is ryan thomas i work with the sf puc [?]. >> are ehere for ed's item, that's on the agenda, so, please hold off until then. any other public comments not on the agenda today? okay, thank you. communications? we have several vip reports before us. i think, any questions or comments from the dmition? okay, any public comment on the communications? okay, thank you. other commission business? >> i did want to inquire about the joint pc environment commission meeting and if we're moving forward with that. i have another inquiry ab