vice president moller caen? i apologize for prematurely moving. i was thinking ahead, but that certainly wasn't intention. public comment is closed unless there is further public comment. if you would indulge the chair, the purpose of this next comment is to entertain a motion to table items 19 through 26. but i don't want to be in violation of any of the rules. so if it's a requirement that the secretary read into the record the items that were scheduled and agenda eyesed agendized for closed session and for me to call public comment on those items and then move to table the following items, then let's do it that way. >> city attorney's office, it's the commission president's discretion to take a matter off calendar unless there were a motion by three other commissioners to insist that we proceed with those matters so you don't need to have the commission secretary call the item, if the idea is that we're going to adjourn the meeting now and not go into closed session. you can simply make that call and if no one moves to overrule you to hear the