molly adhiambo is back from the mountain forests where she's collected nearly 20 kilograms of wood. >> the forest men chase us sometimes. sometimes we give them a little bit of something, even50 bob, for them to let us pick the firewood. because without firewood we can't survive. >> molly uses the wood to boil dirty water from the river, to kill the bacteria and other microorganisms it contains. she can't get water from a tap. she wants to protect her children from typhus and cholera, diseases that are spread by contaminated water and kill mainly children. molly isn't a unique case. hardly anybody here in western kenya has access to clean drinking water -- almost everyone boils it over a wood fire to purify it. buying wood is much too expensive, so they get it from the forests illegally. kenya's forests have shrunk by almost 50% in the last few decades. janet omari wants to change that. for a year she's been working for the swiss company vestergaard frandsen. she travels to the villages to offer people an alternative. here in the region, she and her colleagues have distributed 900,000