my name is amanda fried and i'm joined by amy finer from supervisor ronen's office and molly cohen. amy, if you are here, i'm happy to give you the floor before i get into the presentation. otherwise, i can jump right in. >> i will be extremely brief. thank you so much, amanda. amy finer here. of course, the treasurer and tax collector's office. we're just so grateful for you having jumped in so fast, so effectively to bring this legislation program to life. we're very optimistic that we're going to hear about amanda's amazing plan that's going to roll out and we are here with you all the way. supervisor ronen introduced this legislation. we worked very closely with all of you to make it come to peru wigs and now we're into the roll-out. we're already starting to talk to small businesses and organizations that work with small businesses about it and we're excited to continue on that and whatever ideas come out of this group, how best to get the word out and how to promote this, i'm trying to make sure it really brings back small businesses to our commercial corridors. we're excited