kate dawson former south carolina gop chair, molly o'toole, politics reporter for defense one and julian zelzer professor at princeton university and author of "the fierce urgency of now, lyndon johnson, congress and the battle for the great society." thank you all for joining us today. marcus, i want to start with you because the public appears to be in favor of the president's actions against isis. does the financial cost factor into public opinion on war? >> it will. it does it does. historically it has. in this case of course -- >> should it? >> without a doubt the most tragic cost of any war is loss of human life on both sides. certainly i think americans feel it keenly, certainly americans whose families serve feel it keeny. one problem fortunately or unfortunately is more and more american families don't have a service member in their family so i think fewer and fewer of us are attuned to those costs, but those are the most tragic costs. economically speaking the american public generally supports a war. as far as from an economic point of view as long as we're in good economic ti