joining me is registered dietician molly paulson. look at what a typical plate at a cookout might be. a lot of people have no idea what portion control is. >> right. >> so here we put together goodies from a cookout and this is what i think some people think is okay to eat, right? what is wrong with this? >> well, the first thing is there is a lot of saturated fat on the plate. so you want to try to load up your plate with more plant-based fats, stay away from the saturated fats in hot dog and hamburgers. lean eer spaz options. >> no greens. >> you have a lot of carbohydrates. it raises blood sugar, this bun is simple carb, this bun you have potato salad, pie, breaded chicken that is deep fried, that deep fried is a trans fat that is the worst to put in your body. >> if we put it on a whole wheat roll. it's too much food. i'll snack all day, this is way too much. >> no. >> you tell us, let's move some of it over to another plate that we have here and tell us what a regular sized serving should look like. >> for one this burger is big