adam: nicole, an electronics market without radioshack is like the 1980s without molly ringwald, it justame. >>> okay, two years ago this name meant little to american consumers, but now odds are it probably rings a bell. more than 1300 store ors around the world and 21 stores already open in the united states, it is planning to open an additional 18 by just the end of this year. to find out if uniglow is heading to a city towards you, joining us now is larry meyer, the usa ceo. thanks for being here. you're about to open in boston next week, right? >> yes, we are, and we'll also be opening more stores in philadelphia. we have one, and we will be opening next week in los angeles and orange county, south coast plaza. adam: okay. now, like a lot of businesses the first start out of the gate there were a few setbacks. the stores opened, three closed, i think it was, in 2005. but you've learned from that, and what have you learned? >> we've learned that it's about ongoing change. we, we opened in three stores, closed them for lack of demand, opened in soho, and uniclo to in my mind what make