gwynne my name is molly secora.ntil about two years ago, i was a fairly healthy freelance filmmaker. i prided myself on being responsible, of responsible single self-employed person and i did the smart thing. i went out, i got a low-end health care policy with a large deductible. straef insurance policy. i told my friends it was my bus insurance in case i get hit by a bus and pretty much how i felt. i was pretty healthy so i was safe. i know that might sound dramatic calling it in case i get hit by a bus insurance policy, but i'm a filmmaker and what happened to me sometimes feels more like a movie than actually my life. two years ago last month, i got hit by the bus. i heard those words, the three most terrifying words that you can hear in america, "you have cancer." when you hear those words it's like stepping into the shower and in outer space. none of the normal rules apply to the life of universe and everything becomes surreal. this can't be happening. when i finally found my tongue and the first things out of