molvik was with them, too, she said. oh, at a time like this, when his soul so desperately needs solitude if he's to win through. yes. you never know where you are with men. lord knows where relling has dragged him off to. i rushed into ma eriksen's, but they weren't there. what if he never comes back? he will come back. i'll take a message to him in the morning. you'll see, he'll come. sleep well. rest assured about that, hedvig. good night. mother. [crying] yes. relling was right. this is what happens to you when you get those stupid idiots coming round with their fancy talk of the claim of the ideal. - well? - yes, mother, i think it's very likely he's in with relling-- there you are, you see. --because the caretaker's wife said she heard two other people come in with relling last night. i fancied as much. that doesn't help, though, if he won't come back here. well, at least i can pop down and talk to him. hjalmar. hjalmar? i--oh, where's hjalmar? he's gone out. so early? in all this snow? oh. oh, well, let him. i can