bankers make loans in order to make moneney. corporations dodo whaty do in order to make money, because that's what the people who make decisions in corporations are hired to do, and working people try to have a job that's s decent and try to earn an income. and if they can't do what they think they ought to do as good citizens, as good parents with the jobs and incomes they have, well, then they borrow money, and that works out real well because the banks are real eager to lend it to them, and we have everybody performing pretty much the way they are supposed to. when a society has people who are all playing by the rules and can show you that that's what they're doing and the end result is the kind of disaster we have, then it isn't any more appropriate to blame this or that actor. it's time to recognize that the system of rules is the problem. everybodydy's playing by y the rules. everybody hopes that will all work out, butut it doesesn'. in my profession of economics, we have a great philosopher with which all economics cours