commissioner steven adams, dooley, monetta white, paul tour sarkissian, commissioner irene riley. >> general public comment allows members of the public to comment generally on the matter of commission's purview and not on today's agenda and agenda items for future consideration. >> do we have any members of the general public today that would like to comment on any matters that are not on the agenda? is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> we should give a shout out to all of our tv viewers. we've been getting fan mail all month and we want to let them know that we love them. >> we have no competition with land use. >> we are in an open time slot today. so for people out there watching us. >> let's move on. item no. 3 is approval of the august 10, 2015, regular meeting minutes. do we have a motion? >> i motion to approve. >> second. >> i second. >> commissioner adams made a motion, commissioner riley seconded. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? item no. 4. discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of s