mongo is the new one now. from "blazing saddles." >> mo? man, where do i start with mo? he is a good guy. known him for a while. you know, when he first came to san quentin, he was able to share information with us. that kind of thing. opening came up, he jumped on it. we brought him in. >> we know what we are doing. just going down to the lower yard and doing the usual things with the gangsters. warden wants us to pay more attention to the lower yard. we'll have them all walk over to the industries wall. we will pat them down. i want names and numbers on everybody. make sure you have something to write on. and then anybody that catches our attention, we will find their housing and go visit their house while they are still on the yard. that will be that. >> the majority of prison crime happens on the yards. isu's surprise searches are part of an effort to prevent violence. >> they are down there passing drugs. they are down there passing information. there are orders on who is to be hit. who is supposed to be holding weapons. who is supposed to be holding drugs. that's t