hangar, you sparrows died because of the word where are you, the first transfer to the kpz, mongoose dokuchaevskysomething now, something will be revealed, something will happen, and somehow i am a person who had nothing to do with the war to military actions , never at all, that's why i got involved. well, when i went along the cat road, when i got into the parking lot, when i was put in a car, when i was brought to the gate and i left donetsk. on april 27 or april 27, i was charged in the volnovakh district and i am detained for 30 days. several times already, uh, how would the date be written in the document that i leave, and every time it changes, i signed three such protocols, i made a promise to myself that there is no hope that he will try to free us someday - it will happen hello, how are you? no one has called you. i spoke with my wife serhiy via video call. serhiy is 5 years old. he was born during the war and he is used to the fact that his father is often not at home. his father goes on a business trip. and how is sashko constantly asking when we will return home? he remembers that pa