number one, these monica blake has never fired projectiles, like a ballistic missiles, for example, from its territory publicly against is rarely territory. number 2, in the public ballistic missile operations that the regime has been gauging in at least 11 or 12 since 2017. for example, it has never struck a defendant target, for example, all the place the run did strike with ballistic missiles, iraq, syria, pakistan's, or undefended targets against air and missile defenses. so israel, in fact, is one of the countries with the most advanced, layered aaron missile defenses making an exceptionally hard target for these missiles. which begs the question of what were the iranians hoping to achieve? was this more of a test run? was this an attempt to layer drones and ballistic missiles, lots of operational questions here. and the biggest one is indeed, how will these will respond? correct? how will israel respond? but tell me this, what did you make of the type of attack? it's given israel. plenty of time to prepare, right. or in some way, you know, the runnings for a little over a week and