paleo—biologist, dr monica carvalho from the smithsonian tropical research institute is one of those impact or with the impact, 45% of tropical species disappeared, and it took about 8 million years for diversity to recover. crosstalk. 8 million years is obviously a huge expanse of time, and when it did come back, what was different? forests were very different. so forests that came back resemble a lot rainforests that we know today, they were dominated by flowering plants, they were very dense and they had the same levels of intense ecological interaction that we see today. in the age of dinosaurs, that was not the case. the dominant plants were not flowering plants, it was a mixture of ferns, conifers and flowering plants, and it was actually a pretty widely open rainforest back then. and why the difference, why the change do you think when it came back finally after all those millions of years? that is the key question. so... not exactly sure, we think that it could be a mixture of factors, it could be that in the past dinosaurs actually helped keeping the forest open, something v